Tara Walden
I can't believe it's almost been 10 years already! Life has been quite an adventure. After high school I went to Joliet Junior College for two years and played softball, then transferred to EIU where I graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology. I also had the opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad in Europe my junior year. I absolutely loved it, and can't wait to go back someday! Since graduating EIU I had some confusion of my career path and had jobs as a preschool teacher, and also working with kids with disabilities. It seems that both of these paths are somehow my calling! Right now I'm a Case Manager for adults with disabilities and mental illness, and also decided to go back to school for my master's degree in School and Professional Counseling. I'm excited to say that I have my internship back at good 'ole RCHS where I am currently working in the guidance office (whenever I'm not working at my regular job). I'm not married nor have children, but I consider my 2 pit bulls to be the loves of my life! :-)
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